My Introduction to & to Zimbabwe business community

by | Mar 29, 2014 | financial planning | 0 comments

If this were a home I was coming into, I’d say, “Gogogoyii, tisvikeiwo pano

ba by the way for providing me the platform to share my views and give my 2 cents worth) states briefly “I’m a young Zimbabwean man with hopes to see us as a people counted amongst the world greats. I am a sleeping giant, but I’m stirring from my slumber. I’m a quick and accurate study of people and their talents, being a student of life, psychology and economics (I can throw some numbers and theories around and think outside the box too), I’m self aware and selfless, I’m a serial dreamer/thinker (I dream when I’m awake and think when I’m asleep). My well of ideas is overflowing. I invite you to tap into it. My talent and passion is nurturing talent and passion, building capacity and investing in self; yourself, myself and ourselves which is the first and best investment you, I and we can make, because the pay-off always accrues to self in the process be it financially, socially or personally.

I’m inquisitive, and have a constant hunger and thirst for knowledge, applicable knowledge so I’m not afraid to get mixed in and get my hands dirty, it’s the best way to learn”.
You will be reading a lot more from me on this forum, and in time on my own forum, as I will make it my cause to contribute in as big a way as I can to readers of this forum, by giving you insights into how best you can, firstly invest in yourself, secondly invest in others like yourself, and thirdly and probably most importantly as a result of the preceding investments I mentioned, invest in Zimbabwe, because you and I; we, together ARE Zimbabwe! So briefly I’ll highlight some of the material I will be sharing with you on this journey we’ll be taking together:

• Interviews with emerging and established entrepreneurs who have successfully leveraged on their talent to create multiple streams of income; Insights into how you too can create multiple streams of income by leveraging on your talent and passion.
• How to come up with simple business ideas and translate your ideas from being just a vision to your bank balance sheet.
• D.I.Y. tips, this shall be a series of articles on how to develop your business knowledge and acumen from business plan writing, the process of coming up with a bankable business plan to how to run a business successfully through simple steps.
• Question and Answer time – you our loyal readers ask the questions, will answer them or seek out your answers for you from our vast networks of experienced Zimbabwean entrepreneurs.

• Resources, we will share important resources on news articles, investment tips, legal and institutional arrangements, market trends to look out for, relevant sites to your development as an awakening giant in the local, regional and global market.
• As they say in business boardroom meeting agendas AOB, or Any Other Business…this will include some off the cuff material, a reader’s interesting email, an investment tip, anything relevant to really.

Well I could go on and wear out my welcome, but I believe in keeping things short and interesting, like the mini-skirt (a financial success I must add), also banned in some African states (nothing to do with finance) so I’ll be signing off for now and until next time, Here’s to your continued success. Sarai zvakanaka.

To your continued success


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